Come on, harvest time!
Cigar is a valuable product with a unique production process from the very beginning to the very end. In order to produce a good quality cigar, there are strict and well-established rules that must be followed from the very beginning to the very end. But the most important of these is the production and harvest of quality and correct tobacco.
Harvesting can be done in 3 different ways, giving different flavors to tobacco leaves and ultimately to cigars. The other day, as another cigar advertisement made this point forward, I wanted to share a little bit of detail in this article.
What are these methods and what are their differences?
The first method, as we all know soon, is to collect the leaves of the plant as the plant matures, starting from the lower leaves, about 7 days apart. This method is called Priming. They are called "sand leaves" because they are close to the bottom and first collected leaves and can be really sandy. Currently, the most classical and widely used method is this method. Leaves collected with this method change color more quickly during the fermentation period and become ready for use. Because they detach from the body, they tend to wrinkle more quickly. The flavors of the leaves vary according to the characteristics of the soil in which the plant grows.