Puro Sabor 2015 - 4th Nicaragua Cigar Festival
With the increase in the countries that produce cigars and the quality of the cigars they produce, of course the number of cigar lovers consuming them is increasing. Leading countries such as the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, outside of Cuba, also make good use of this potential and organize festivals similar to Cuba in order to advertise both the brands that produce in those countries and themselves.
The cigar festival in Nicaragua, Puro Sabor , opens its doors to producers and consumers for the fourth time on January 14, 2015. The festival, which will last until January 17, has a full program . It is stated that on January 15, following the first day of welcoming, the factories in Esteli region will be visited mainly and the tobacco fields will be visited the next day.
During the festival, it is forbidden to bring cigars outside the cigars of the companies that sponsor the festival area or the places visited, but I guess that cigars including Padron, Drew Estate, My Father Cigar, and Oliva Cigar Company will provide a very satisfactory smoking opportunity.
When we compare this festival with the others, namely the Dominican Republic and Cuban festivals, I see that it is a more affordable festival in terms of price. The festival fee, which is set at USD 850 for this festival, includes all activities including the hotel, while the Pro Cigar Festival in the Dominican Republic only costs over USD 1,000 for one day, excluding the hotel. When you add the two different hotel reservations you will make due to the fact that it will take place in two different places, it is quite salty. But let's not forget that there are father companies like Davidoff in this festival to be held this February.
I am sure that the festival will be very beautiful, where food unique to Nicaragua and rum-filled nights will also be tasted and lived to the fullest. It did not happen this year, but the fortune may be to visit the festival in the following years.