Davidoff 50th Anniversary Accessories
As you may remember, Davidoff started his 50th Anniversary celebrations by wearing rings in his cigars that fit this theme.
Now, it continues by introducing a series of accessories that are parallel to the theme, as well as cigar rings. The humidor and lighters, whose designs are embellished with motifs unique to four geographical regions - America, Asia, Europe and Orient - began to take their places on the shelves.
The motifs on the humidor and lighters designed by Mariane Léger, who also undertook the design of Davidoff's 50th Anniversary Diademas Finas jars, were kept the same as a set. The lighters are manufactured by ST Dupont, just like Davidoff's other series. Lighters cost USD 1,050 while humidors cost USD 15,000.
In addition to the humidor and lighters, there is also a very stylish ashtray, which is not yet available for a price, made of aluminum but covered with bronze colored and light colored leather on the edge.
The accessories are very stylish, especially for those who are bored with the usual and looking for a different design, the ashtray is really nice. But I can't say the same for their prices.
Have a pleasant smoke for you all ...