Cigar Festival Dates for 2019 Have Been Announced
As every year, cigar festivals in 2019 are preparing to bring cigar lovers together under blue smoke. Participation in festivals, where many innovations and cigars are shared, continues to increase every year.
Apart from Cuba, the festivals of the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua have also been very interesting in recent years. Unfortunately, this year, due to the political events in Nicaragua, the festival in this country has been postponed to an undisclosed date. Unfortunately, these domestic political events, which have caused Nicaragua's cigars to lag behind those of the Dominican Republic, have again taken the country in the palm of their hand.
This leaves us only two festivals for now - Festival Habano and Procigar.
Festival Habano's date is set as February 18-22, with a little retrospective compared to previous years. Although the full program has not been broadcast yet, a program similar to the previous years is expected.
The date of Procigar in the Dominican Republic is also between 17-22 at the end of February. Details can be found on Procigar's own website.